Rebekah Meeks
Travel Specialist

Rebekah is a wife & mother living in coastal North Carolina. When she’s not planning magical vacations or wishing she was back at Walt Disney World she enjoys spending time on the boat or at the beach with her husband and daughter, taking her Labrador, Molly out for walks and curling up with a good book at the end of the day.

Magical Tidbits…

  • Favorite Disney Memory My favorite Disney memory is seeing Cinderella castle for the first time at the age of 25. I’ll never forget how it made me feel walking down Main Street and finally fulfilling my childhood dreams, all while seeing the magic through the eyes of my daughter as well. It was truly magical! 

  • Must Do Watch the Festival of Fantasy parade and record your child’s reactions! I am so thankful that I took a video of this as I love to go back and watch how excited my daughter was to see each & every character. Now that she’s a little older, it’s nice to reflect on those “little” memories!

  • Favorite Time to Travel April! It’s not too hot yet and I’m a huge fan of the Flower & Garden Festival at Epcot during this time. We love to take photos with the gorgeous character topiaries! 

  • Favorite Quick Service Satuli Canteen in Animal Kingdom. It’s a fantastic place to get some unique food and cool off in the A/C on a hot day in AK!

  • Favorite Character Dining Garden Grill in Epcot. We loved that it’s smaller than the average character dining restaurant so the characters got to come around to our table more often. My daughter absolutely loved seeing Chip & Dale as they are unique to this character dining experience.  Plus, the breakfast food was excellent! All around two-thumbs way up from my whole crowd!

  • Favorite Spot to Capture a Magical Photo I’m a sucker for the quintessential photo in front of the castle! No matter how many trips we have, my family knows this is a non-negotiable part of our first day at Magic Kingdom!


There’s a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of every day.”

- Carousel of Progress